Know All About Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management

Know All About Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management

Advertising is a promotional tool to play with which enhances the reach of any product service or scheme.  Basically, advertising has two kinds, one is above the line which deals with mass media and another one is below the line which deals with on-ground activities. In both the cases, there are financial implication involved to enhance the reach either through electronic print or digital media or through ground activities.

There are numerous courses in the market to enrich an aspirant with academics of this discipline and industry knowledge, but one must wisely make the decision of choosing the best course which offers practical knowledge. Basically, it starts with the history of the topic and the influence of the society and culture. Advertising is an ancient form of promotion. In this digital era, the challenges for advertising have augmented to the hilt. Now the consumers have the power to skip any advertisement. So, to get them engaged with the modern set of rules has become a really difficult game for the advertisers.

Know All About Advertising: Principles, Concepts and Management


Print is one of the oldest tools to promote business without losing the charm towards the modern consumers. Advertising income from electronic medium is also lenient, and it is split across a rising figure of broadcaster and digital options. The gap analysis and the market research say that advertising needs transformation as per the demand and procurement pattern. Digital media have prudently bridged this gap.

Despite this changing landscape, the principle of the advertising is same as simple, easy to identify the USP, right positioning, visual consistency, proper duration of the campaign, using a tag tune or catchy tag line. Application of the Principle of Advertising includes:

  • The Creative Strategy
  • Information Appeal & Emotional Appeal
  • Making right Media Plan
  • Selection and implementation of Media Space
  • Proper cost analysis
  • Anatomy of an advertising material
  • True evaluation of a media buying

The Management of Advertising

Promoting a product or a service is not only about the creative or innovative mind set. There are rules to sway the corporate world. The management of advertising talks about the rules and its applications. An advertisement is directly related to the reputation of an organization or a particular brand. It is the way to communicate the right or required message toward the relevant target audience using the right platform at right time.

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