In a world where the animation industry is expected to grow by 11% by 2028, there has never been a better time to write this captivating blog. Animation is a lucrative field that offers boundless possibilities for creativity and innovation. Whether you’re crafting 2D sketches, bringing 3D animation to life, or emerging beyond boundaries with… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide to Careers in Animation Opportunities and Trends
What if you wake up one morning and find yourself surrounded by Simba, the Incredibles family, and other Disney characters? Not long ago, you might have called it a crazy dream. But today, it’s possible! We are sure you’ve guessed the magic here—it’s the power of 3D animation and VFX effects. 3D animation and VFX… Continue reading How to Choose the Right 3D Animation & VFX Course for You
The animation and VFX industry is growing globally. A career in animation comes with opportunities, and room for experimentation, and can fuel your creative drive. Remember watching your favorite cartoons for hours during summer breaks? Or admiring creative visuals in sci-fi and superhero movies? If you’re looking forward to working in animation and the VFX… Continue reading Animation Career Prospects: Job Opportunities and Salary Expectations
Animation is the way through which one gives life to a static image or picture. It imparts a sense of movement in static patterns and graphics through computer software and tools. The movement can be 2D or 3D- it depends upon the need of the situation/ project. It can be said that this craft is… Continue reading What Exactly Is Animation All About? And What Is in for the Aspirants?