Curriculum Innovations

Curriculum innovation at AAFT University is an integral concept that designs different learning experiences that can lead to better learning outcomes. We ensure that the curriculum and pedagogy of all our courses not just meet the requirements of the regulatory bodies, but also surpasses them. For this, we have embarked on a transformation practice to design and implement a curriculum that would nurture the aspirants in a way such that they can lead the revolution in the media and arts industry.

A mix of educational visits, industry certifications, workshops, practical examples, live projects, brainstorming sessions, etc. is used to constructively align the intended learning outcomes with our curriculum, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies. The focus is on skill enhancement which can lead to comprehensive professional development. Curriculum innovation also blends technology with content to expose students to the learning experiences that can enhance and deepen their industry knowledge and understanding from fashion to journalism, management to animation, advertising to cinema- all schools ensure industrial visits that allow the students to acquire first-hand experience and make them capable to apply classroom learning to real-life situations. Guest lectures and practical sessions by international experts are a key force in imparting global exposure and learning at AAFT University.

This also extends a robust foundation to deliver the best industry academia interface through which the students can develop practical skills and competencies in the context of knowledge. Transforming the curriculum requires extensive research and analysis, planning, coordination, proposals, votes, and meetings on our part. AAFT University follows a standard process and practices for curriculum innovation. The Board of Studies, which comprises industry and academic experts, and seasoned professionals, discuss and vet the amendments in the curriculum every year as per the latest trends and techniques prevailing in the industry. This allows every student at the University to become capable of meeting the industry standards and expectations.

Curriculum innovation reflects our efforts of fostering a visionary culture to encourage and hone those who wish to improve and strengthen the media and arts community. We feel honored to comply with our role and be associated in bringing transformation in the media and arts education, and thus, creating an army that can lead the future of the creative art space.

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