AAFT University provides a central facility for promoting the research ecosystem at the institute. The primary objective is to support advanced research across different contemporary fields like media, arts, and management under one umbrella.
The facility provides equal and optimal opportunities and flexibilities to everyone for engaging in and strengthening one’s passion and innate skills. We boast of facilities like computer labs with high-end systems and an enriched library with 3500+ books on different subjects for propagating multidisciplinary research. Various workshops are also organized regularly for instrumenting research.
The facility is available to all AAFTians and caters to the needs of researchers from various departments at the University. Other academic research institutions and organizations are welcome to utilize our research facility. We hope to play our part in building and reinforcing a collaborative research culture nationwide.
We also are eager and look for opportunities to expand our facilities every year, pushing the boundaries of research across different streams to a higher level.